Pete Peters spoke to the Board of Supervisors about Parks and Recreation particularly the Sports Complex now in its 7th year.
Director Pete Peters described the various activities that Botetourt County Parks and Recreation provide to the citizens of Botetourt County at the regular meeting of the Botetourt County Board of Supervisors on Tuesday Feb. 26. Over 11, 5oo children participated in organized sports in the county in 2012. 1,400 adults participated in sports and recreation activities and there were 1, 400 riders in the senior van program.? Chairman Steve Clinton pointed out that many facets are part of Parks and Recreation.
Parks, trails and green spaces, landscaping? and the department covers all of the school grounds as well as a multitude of county offices and buildings by Botetourt County maintenance in Parks and Recreation. Tourism a major initiative in the county, is also part of Parks and Rec.
Peters commended the school division for being so easy to work with. ?I have? worked with three other localities and no other has the kind of relationship we have with our schools, he pointed out to the board.
Jim Farmer thanked the county for allowing him to manage the Botetourt Sports Complex. He presented the schedule for 2013 which is located on the county website. Hotel room rents is increasing yearly he noted.? He also explained that the? beauty as well as the availability is attracting? events from all over the country to come to the sports complex.
Highlights for last year Peters said were:
-Botetourt Sports complex named Amateur Softball Assoc. National complex of the Year
-Lewis and Clark Eastern Legacy Trail NOAA Commemorative Disk Placement
-Development of the Alpine and Gala Upper James River Boating Access on the James River.
-Awarded the 2013 Bike Virginia Tour
-Stadium Athletic Turf Renovations at CAMS, RMMS and JRHS
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